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Why choose SMS Marketing over Email Marketing?

Updated: Jan 31, 2020

Customers see text messages in real-time, it has a high open-rate percentage, provides accessibility, and security.

These are the 4 vital things that make Text Message or SMS Marketing an effective way to reach out to your customers versus Email Marketing.

1. Sense of urgency

SMS Marketing can be seen by customers instantly. Subscribers see the message in real-time, so there is a sense of urgency.

With email, there's a little delay because people don't usually check their emails immediately. It may take hours, days, or even weeks for some before they check their emails.

Also, not everybody opens their email, which means that you already miss the opportunity to convey the communication to your customers.

2. High-open rate

If you are reaching an open rate of 20% for emails, that means you are already doing good. However, that percentage can still be considered very low.

With a text message, 97% of people open it within 1-15 minutes. High open-rate indicates that text messages get read, unlike emails.

3. Mobility and accessibility

Texting comes pre-built on all mobile phones, but only smartphones have an email app accessibility. Sometimes, the email app is not installed yet, so you need to do it manually.

Text messaging is always available through network providers.

The email needs data or WiFi connection before you can access it. This makes texting a more convenient medium.

4. Feeling of security

While text messages can be transmitted to a group or utilized to spam subscribers, the problem is not across the board compared to email. This provides SMS marketing another advantage over email.

Virus attachments and malicious links are other predicaments with the email. These things don't exist to the same extent on text messages, making it a more secure platform as well.

Activate your landline’s number to receive texts today!



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